Repair Tool

ENGWE Multi-function Repair Tool

$18.00 Out of Stock

Package dimensions: 6.3 inches * 4.3 inches * 0.79 inches (16.00 * 11.00 * 2.00 cm)

Package Weight: 0.46 lbs (0.209 Kg)


Q1: About shipping
*In stock: Once order confirmation has been completed, shipping preparations will begin
within the following 2 days and your order will be shipped on the third business day.
*Pre-order: Please refer to the product page for detailed shipping times on pre-order items.
*No stock: Please refer to the product page for detailed shipping times on out-of-stock
You can expect to receive your product within 7 to 10 business days when shipped from our
warehouse in Poland.
*Please note: Remote areas and islands are excluded from delivery.
Please reach out to our customer service team regarding special requirements or urgent delivery
dates and we will endeavour to meet your needs.
Please check our Shipping Policy for additional information regarding delivery locations and costs.

Q2: I need to buy parts, how can I buy them?
Please reach out to the seller where you purchased the original item, if they are not able to provide it please reach out to our customer service at:

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
very reliable supplier

The shipment is very timely, the quality is good, the packing is beautiful and the service is very good