Understanding the balance of an electric motor torque vs speed when choosing an e-bike is crucial. Striking the right balance ensures that the e-bike meets your needs for commuting or recreational riding.

In this guide, we explain torque vs speed to help you make an informed choice.

Understanding Torque in Ebikes

An e-bike's motor produces a rotational force known as Torque to propel it forward. It is measured in Newton meters (nm). The amount of torque an e-bike has will determine its performance and efficiency. An e-bike with more torque has a higher and faster acceleration speed, even though it is more expensive.

Below are some high-torque e-bikes and their advantages.

1. Engwe L20 2.0 (75Nm torque): Accelerating from zero to your desired speed is more effortless. Because of its high torque, the e-bike can handle steep inclines easily, and riders experience less strain when climbing hills. Its powerful torque is advantageous when carrying heavy loads.

engwe l20 2.0 high torque e bike

2. Engwe Pro 2.0 (75Nm torque): The e-bike performs well in different terrains. Its high torque provides a more consistent and smoother ride in challenging conditions, and its powerful motor can withstand regular use in various situations.

engwe engine pro 2.0 high torque e bike

3. Engwe M20 2.0 (75Nm torque): A high torque allows the e-bike motor to operate efficiently at a lower speed, thus extending the battery life. With a 75Nm torque, the e-bike's responsiveness improves significantly, offering precise control over speeding. Its motor supports various riding modes, including pedal assist and throttle.

engwe m20 2.0 high torque e bike

Understanding Speed in Ebikes

Speed is the distance an e-bike travels over time. It depends on the e-bike's weight, battery capacity, and motor. Speed restrictions vary in the USA and are measured in miles or kilometers per hour. Higher speeds allow you to reach longer destinations faster.

Highlighted below are some high-speed e-bikes and their advantages.

1. Engwe T14: It can travel 20 miles per hour, is light in weight, and is easy to fold. Its adjustable shock-absorbing saddle ensures your comfort.

engwe t14 fast e-bike

2. Engwe E26: The e-bike's 26*4.0-inch fat tires afford safety and an uneventful ride on various terrains. It is very fast, going at 28 mph. Its lithium battery ranges 87 miles and enables you to ride longer.

engwe e26 fastest electric bike

3. Engwe M20: It looks like a motorcycle and can reach a speed of 28 mph. The e-bike (dual battery version) has a cruising range of up to 94 miles. Engwe M20 dual shock absorbance system offers smooth rides over rough terrains.

engwe m20 fast e cycle

Torque vs Speed: The Critical Relationship

Torque and speed relate to each other. The torque an e-bike generates declines the faster you accelerate. At your highest speed, the rotational force of an e-bike is at its lowest. This means that high speeds are generally associated with low torque.

In some cases, you will prefer torque or speed.

1. Torque Preference

High torque is essential for overcoming steep inclines, so riding in mountainous or hilly areas is better. With increased force, you can handle extra weight, such as a passenger or heavy loads.

High torque is ideal when you have to accelerate from zero quickly. It is perfect when riding in a city environment where frequent stops and starts are the order of the day.

2. Speed Preference

It is ideal for covering long distances on flat or gently rolling terrains such as open roads or bike paths. High speeds are essential when you need to reach a destination quickly.

Fitness riders prefer high speed; maintaining a brisk pace over long stretches provides endurance training.

Here is a simple graph illustrating the relationship between torque vs speed.

a graph illustrating the relationship between torque vs speed

Factors Influencing Torque and Speed in Ebikes

A few factors influence the torque and speed of an e-bike.

  • Battery capacity: A large battery provides a large current output, helping you to achieve higher speeds.
  • Rider weight and terrain: A heavier person will find e-bikes with higher torque more comfortable when riding on rougher terrain. An e-bike with a higher torque can better handle extra weight.
  • Motor power and type: An e-bike's power determines the torque. Higher-power motors produce more torque, which is ideal for stronger acceleration needed for climbing. Different motors deliver different torque. Mid-drive motors provide higher torque, while hub motors produce higher speed.
  • Gear systems: Lower gears increase torque, making it easier to climb hills. They are also ideal for moving from a standstill.

a person wearing a helmet holds a bicycle at the sunset

How to Choose the Right Balance for Your Needs

Whether you prioritize high speed or torque depends on your riding style or needs. If you live or work in an area with flat terrain and carry light loads, a high-speed e-bike will be more helpful to you. If you live in a hilly area or have a lot of cargo, an e-bike with higher torque will be ideal.

You need to do the following when selecting an e-bike with the right torque and speed balance.

  • A higher torque is ideal when you must make frequent starts and stops. It helps you accelerate quickly from a standstill. However, when you need a sustained speed for a long commute, an e-bike with a higher speed is ideal.
  • A stronger battery is ideal when you require a higher torque as it demands more power. Longer distances require a large-capacity battery.

If you need more torque, you can upgrade your motor. Alternatively, you can use lighter components to reduce the e-bike's weight, improving acceleration.

Enhancing Ebike Performance

Wipe the e-bike down after rides to keep the motor clean and avoid obstructions. Store the battery in a cool, dry place to prevent damage. Consider adding a few accessories, such as racks or a cargo bag. These accessories will help reduce strain on the e-bike's motor.

Your e-bike's firmware needs regular updating to fix bugs and improve performance. Customizing assist levels and adjusting power delivery settings would also be ideal. You should regularly maintain your e-bike's brakes, battery, and other components.

Before riding, ensure that the e-bike's tires are at the recommended pressure. Invest in a high-quality battery upgrade to extend the range and provide more consistent power. The new battery should match your e-bike's size requirements and voltage.

For maximum efficiency, ensure that you have the right gear combination. The right gear ensures you're not pedaling in a gear that is not too high or low.


Choosing the right balance of torque vs. speed can enhance your riding experience, so be sure to clarify the relationship between the two before placing an order. If necessary, explore Engwe Bikes' range of electric bikes to find your ideal choice.

Choosing the right balance of torque vs. speed enhances your riding experience. Explore a range of e-bikes at Engwe Bikes to find your ideal choice.

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